Welcome to UNOCT’s Connect & Learn platform. This is an innovative virtual environment designed to consolidate the Office’s expertise, advocacy, and programmatic activities into one far-reaching and easily accessible online portal. The Connect & Learn platform has two main functions. First, an eLearning platform that offers capacity building to relevant stakeholders through modules and training courses tailored specifically to programmatic activities. Second, Community of Practice forums that provides an interactive platform to facilitate the sharing of best practices, lessons learned, and resources among relevant stakeholders on niche, developing topics. The platform is designed to continuously be refreshed with new courses, new beneficiaries, and new resources to support Member States and beyond in fulfilling the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
Disclaimer: Please note, content incorporated into the Connect & Learn platform is currently undergoing review, with revisions and updates pending. The Office welcomes all feedback and suggestions which will be reviewed and considered in due process.
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Available courses
UNCCT has been conceived as a “Centre of Excellence” with subject matter expertise on counter-terrorism issues that are not covered by other UN bodies such as strategic communicating, prevention of violent extremism and cooperation between the development and counter-terrorism sectors.
In view of the :
- unprecedented growth in global terrorist networks and transnational criminal organisations
- complexity of these 21st century threats has empowered these groups to cooperate in real time and worldwide at an unprecedented scale
- growing range of criminal actors, include: violent political extremists, terrorists, war lords, globally networked insurgents and transnational criminal groups
Staff needs a continuous update on the threat, methodologies and approaches to maximize project’s implementations and global security
[ENGLISH] CT Travel Foundational Course is an online training that has been designed to quickly give you basic knowledge about API data and PNR data, anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.
Welcome to the CT Travel Interactive Training course. This is the place where you will find all the presentations delivered by our partners and experts. Make sure to save this page on your device so you can easily return to it.
CT Travel is a flagship programme by UNOCT and supported by its Programme Partners CTED, ICAO, INTERPOL, UNODC, and OICT. You can always reach us at ctTravel@un.org
#ForAFutureWithoutTerrorism #UNiteToCounterTerrorism