Frequently Asked Questions
eLearning Courses
Who will the courses be available to?
With the design of our Platform, we aim to maximize accessibility, creating open courses available to the general public while also providing the option to host closed courses on more sensitive topics. These courses, with supplemental materials, will be accessible through a secured invite-only section, available to relevant and vetted stakeholders.
All courses are free of charge for all users.
Will courses be available at all times?
What kind of materials will be covered in UNOCT classes?
The materials covered will be related to programmatic themes. Currently the Platform is planning to host a wide variety of UNOCT training material and resources which will draw on a diverse pool of programmatic themes including Countering Terrorist Travel, Gender and Identities, Vulnerable Targets, Cyber security and new technologies, Fusion Cells, Strategic Communications for P/CVE, Youth Engagement and Empowerment Programme, Countering WMD/CBRN Terrorism, Counter Terrorism in Central Asia, amongst many others.
Under each programmatic theme, courses will offer foundational and specialized education opportunities to not only prepare beneficiaries for in-person workshops but to also complement in-person trainings.
Will eLearning courses include interactive elements?The Platform utilizes interactive elements to enhance engagement with course material and reinforce concepts demonstrated throughout each course’s curriculum. Having interactive elements within the platform is key to associating the lessons learned through the platform with the real-world training and initiatives held by the UN.
What will users receive after completing training courses?
This depends on the course itself and is up to different programme’s discretion. Some courses will offer a certificate of completion/attendance or participation.
Will eLearning courses replace existing in-person programs?
eLearning courses are intended to expand and enhance in-person programs by increasing accessibility to course content for complementary training, reinforcing of lessons learned, and greater dissemination of knowledge gained through in-person training to others. They also ensure follow-up of in-person workshops to make sure impact to intended beneficiaries is secured.
Can one enroll in multiple courses?
Absolutely! You may be enrolled in as many courses as you choose, taking into consideration courses’ enrollment statuses at any given time. The structure of the platform allows for participants to diversify their education and return to previous course to review topics and lessons.
there a limit in number of courses I can avail?
No, you may enroll in all self-paced open courses.
Is anybody registered in the platform able to see my gradebook or course enrollments?
No, only the course teacher and the platform administrators are able to see your gradebook and enrollments.
Communities of Practice
How does the Platform differ from that already available through other UN entities which feature courses on CT/PCVE?
The UNOCT Platform features a unique state of the art “Communities of Practice Forum,” which will allow participants to connect with other practitioners such as academics, the private sector, civil society organizations, interregional organizations and the public sector as part of a whole-of-society approach.
How will the “Communities of Practice” forums body be moderated?
All activities in the Platform will be monitored and moderated by relevant UNOCT staff. Platform participants will have access to relevant guidelines for forum participation. These guidelines will be enforced. Inappropriate content will be denied, and persistent inappropriate content could result in being banned from the forum.
Can any expert access Communities of Practice?
No. Programme Managers are responsible for inviting relevant experts to participate in their forums. Once granted access, experts will be able to share lessons learned, best practices, and other pertinent information regarding the Platform’s subject matter.
Other programmes, however, might opt to have an open forum. The decision to have open participation or invite-only participation in Community of Practice forums falls under the discretion of Programme Managers.
The Communities of Practice Forum has the option for Programme Managers to select who may join a certain forum/Working Group. Programme managers can create foras that are either open or invite only, the latter of which sometimes involves screening and selecting appropriate experts to consult on the fora.
In regard to the “Private Documents” section, how private are the files stored there? Are there any security concerns about the integrity of the servers used to house those files?
The “Private Documents” section of the Platform is a space for each user to upload their own personal files for reference. This portion of the site will be particularly helpful for Programme Managers and Course Instructors to keep relevant files in one secure location as well as for users to save materials that they have worked on during trainings.
How secure is the Platform?
The Platform currently has security provisions in place to ensure that all online content is appropriately secured. Should the Platform wish to include more sensitive information in the future, additional security measures and features will need to be implemented into the Platform.
How much of the platform material is expected to be accessible to the public? How is access controlled for non-public elements?
Access can be public or restricted depending on course designer preferences – it can also have public areas and restricted content. Public pages like the home page and programme page would still require email verification and are password protected.
Restricted pages will only be accessible if given access (to be managed by the respective programme manager); access can be limited for a specific time and can also be removed at any time.
What is the preferred browser?
All the most popular browsers can be used. Please make sure you use the latest version
How do I update my password?
In your profile information, you may edit and update your login details.
If technical issues arise, what are the steps to be taken?
Please refresh your screen and make sure you are using one of the supported browsers. If the issue persists, please contact our support team via the Contact Us link.
I completed a course and the course is not
marked as complete. What should I do?
Make sure that you completed all the requested activities including survey, exam, etc. If the issue persists, please contact our support team via the Contact Us link.
How do I join a community program?
The platform is available upon registration.